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Showing posts with the label kate branch kate-branch katebranch sunset photography

Gratitude: How to be thankful in tough times

Listen to Podcast Episode 3 Gratitude comes easily when you’re sitting somewhere glorious, like a beautiful beach; you can stare out at the ocean and feel a natural wave of thankfulness. But surprisingly, gratitude can be helpful to focus on during tough and trying times as well. Photographer Kate Branch explains one way to tap into what you’re thankful for. Gratitude isn’t usually the kind of emotion we think about during difficult times, but tapping into feelings of thankfulness can be a way to cultivate deeper appreciation and perspective. And one of the most powerful ways to call access feelings of thankfulness is to use the power of images and photos. I realised this phenomenon during one life-changing moment that happened in a Sydney nursing home. I was finishing my Masters of Art Therapy at the University of Western Sydney, where I was learning about the ways we use visual imagery to communicate.  Human beings began drawing before we began writing, so in many ways art i...

Blue Mountains by Kate Branch

Malaysian Sunset

40 Years Around The Sun, features photographs taken from an array of countries that I have been lucky enough to visit during my lifetime so far. The piece is a balance of some of my favorite sunrises and sunsets, and also shows how my photography work has evolved throughout the years. Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.